dinsdag 27 november 2007

Recession, mortgage crisis

Due to the crisis in America the house prices stand worldwide under pressure, in Spain for example, complete streets are standing already for sale. In our country the damage seems to be better than expected, mainly by our almost unique mortgage interest calculation.
Meanwhile we know that the credit crisis is much deeper then we thought and that the impact will remain a couple of months. The American economy is still well for 26% of the world economy. The rest of the world has little choice and must participate to solve the problem. The American economy is (still) too large and (still) too powerful and the American question is (still) too important for the rest of the world. America has less credit possibilities, meanwhile for example China has a surplus of almost 1500 billion dollars. Without American question the Chinese economy survives also, purely on the internal question, the same applies to Europe. The USA can’t continue lend no longer. concerning a couple year the rest of the world will not care what happens there in the USA.

It is true in this way, that how more we show that we want to help America with there bad economy, how less they will solve the problem themselves. Problems must attain solved by looking at to the causes. I am convinced that a bad political policy influence to a bad economy.



1 opmerking:

Nico, Thomas, Bejamin & Sarah zei

I can't see why the housing market in Spain is effected by the Americain housing market.
Secondly we're nog at all forced to help and fix the problem. Europe just invests in the subprime sector because it wants to make profit.
