This morning the euro rose to a new height namely 1,4134 dollar. This is the highest rating ever for the euro. Lately this has been due to the intrest expectation. But the decline of the dollar this morning is related to the important figures from the American house market, wich will be released tomorrow. Wich are speculated to be the lowest in 5 years. The way Americans feel about their economy will also be released tomorrow, this is also expected to be at its lowest.
The dollar is also losing ground to the British pound and the Canadian dollar.
Well this is good news for us, a vacation in the US is cheaper :-) So I would say, go pack your bags.
Now other then that this doesn't mean anything promising for the Americans since their precious dollar is at an almost all time low. All the figures that are published are low so this is a clear indication of the decline of the American economy. Someone has to wonder what effects this will have on the rest of the world.
Personally I think this might be a good indication for the US governement to start pumping money in their own economy instead of into war. And with the elections coming closer I bet this will have a nice impact on the voters their choice.
Nico Cottry
Source: http://www.tijd.be/nieuws/economie_financien/artikel.asp?Id=3226878
1 opmerking:
I believe Nico is right when he writes that the US better spend its money to other topics then war. In that way the dollar would have a higher value. But I think that they will never chance their point of vue.
If I didn't had to go to school I would love to go on a trip to America because all prices are low, for us it's a good thing. Hopefully it doesn't chance...so i can make my trip in August..
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