Bush feels that with protectionism the economy will mis out on alot of things, among wich better jobs.
It concerns 4 deals with Panama, Peru, Colombia and South Korea. The deal with Colombia is being questioned due to human rights issues. The Korean deal is also on the edge because of barriers erected by Seoul to keep the US out of auto's and beef. Other reasons why the support is decreasing is that people are scared that the compition will harm them. But Bush says that they are doing alot to make sure that the people will have a fighting chance if the free trade agreements do pass.
"Expanding trade will help our economy grow," Bush said. "So I call on Congress to act quickly and get these agreements to my desk."
Now I think that for once Bush is right. America is build on a free market economy so this also means: free trade. And if Bush delivers on what he says about the scholing and funding then the American economy should have no problems with this free trade and they will indeed benfit from it. And the economy can use some good things right now.This is a good first step towards the right direction.
Nico Cottry
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/10/13/bush.radio.ap/index.html
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