The analysts expected an increase of 80.000 jobs but they increased by 94.000 last month. This bigger then expected increase can have as a result that the Fed will not lower their rates.
The average hour wage rose by 0,5%, this is a slight increase from the 0,3% they expected. In October it rose with 0,1% wich was less then the expected 0,2%.
The figures of the American job market are seen as a very important indicator of the developement of the American economy.
This good news for the economy but then again not so good news. Because because of the huge impact of these numbers it might be that the Fed will not lower its rate's while most other numbers suggest that they should lower them. The Fed better take their time and really investigate what would be the best thing to do for the economy cause any bad decision could have a really bad impact.
Lets hope the Fed will take the best decision.
Nico Cottry
Source: http://www.tijd.be/artikel/Amerikaanse_werkgelegenheid_stijgt_harder_dan_verwacht.3442038
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