zaterdag 15 december 2007

Central banks does something about the credit crisis.

The American, Canadian, British, European and Swiss central bank will cooperate and will take measures to remove the tensions on the money market. That becomes clear from a communication of the Federal Reserve. The Fed will coordinate the measures. the central banks will put extra money in the system against less heavy conditions which are now the case.

On the 17th of December the Federal Reserve will make a first credit line of 20 billion dollar available. The American central bank will do it once more on the 20th of December. Banks which want to lend at the Fed will be less strictly treated with de collateral when they want to take a credit line. Collateral is the capacity value which credit takers must transfer to the credit licensor if they can’t pay their loan back. The Fed will also take care less strictly on the bank who comes for a loan. The Fed will also cooperate with the European central banks and the bank of Switzerland.

I think that it is a good proposal of the FED. this will help the American economy.


1 opmerking:

Nico, Thomas, Bejamin & Sarah zei

sorry about the lay-out, I don't understand how it comes... Benjamin